Ένα από αυτά αφορά το ότι προστέθηκαν περισσότερα vaulting animations σε αντικείμενα ύψους μέχρι 1 μέτρο, άλλαξε αρκετά το damage σύστημα των όπλων και τα hit markers, με τα στατιστικά και το damage ανά σημείο να μπορείτε να το δείτε στην παρακάτω εικόνα:\
Ο χρόνος που χρειάζεται για την εφαρμογή ενός bandage μειώθηκε από τα 8.5 sec στα 4.5, χωρίς καμία αλλαγή στο ποσοστό που επαναφέρει το health.
Οι παίκτες μπορούν να πέσουν με το αλεξίπτωτο σε σημεία που δεν μπορούσαν παλαιότερα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των πέριξ του νησιού, ενώ οι σφαίρες μπορούν να τρυπήσουν το νερό με βάση την ταχύτητα του βλήματος (όσο πιο γρήγορα τόσο πιο ρηχή η διείσδυση και άλλα πολλά που θα τα δείτε εδώ:
- The healing period for bandages has been reduced to 4.5 seconds from 8.5 seconds. The casting time and the amount of health restored are the same as before.
- Players can now parachute and land on certain areas that were not previously accessible, including the outskirts of the island
- Added markings for zeroing distances on 15x scope reticle texture
- Added new 4x reticle for 7.62mm weapons
- Added new 4x reticle for sniper and SMG weapons
- Added blur effect on the outside of scopes
- Bullets now penetrate water based on the velocity of projectile (the faster the velocity, more shallow the penetration)
- Lowered camera position when proning in third-person
- Decreased firing rate of SKS and Mini-14
- Increased sprinting speed while holding DMR in hands (now as fast as assualt rifles)
- Decreased recoil for Mk14
- 8x and 15x scopes cannot be attached to an M16A now
Βελτιώνεται το mini map και το world map, όσο και το UI γενικότερα, προσθέτοντας και το χαρακτηριστικό των kill cams:
- Applied a new font for English
- Improved designs for in-game HUD, option window, inventory, menu screen, and system message box
- Improved Solo/Team Play UI
- Moved health bars of team member(s) from the top left corner to the bottom left corner
- Changed colors and markings in the mini map, world Map, and team list UI
- Added indicators for team members to check their status (vehicle, parachuting, alive/dead, DBNO, connection status, etc.) - Improved interaction HUD
- If there is no more room left in the backpack, the font will turn red to show that items cannot be picked up - Improved the mini map and the world map
- Decreased the saturation of the mini map to further emphasize information of team members
- Adjusted the colors of the world map to increase visibility of markers and other information
- Players can check team members’ FOV direction through the world map and the mini map
- When team members get on the same vehicle, a single indicator will appear - Moved the kill log from the bottom left corner to the top right corner
- Modified the design of the health bar to show the point for 75%. The bar will not turn red when health is below 75%
- Added killcam feature that can be found in Settings. Now players can check killcams in the result screen
- For Duo and Squad modes, killcam can be checked after all team members have died